I really like the Chrome browser. It wasn't until recently that I looked into creating extensions and was surprised by how simple it was. If you know basic HTML, CSS, JavaScript then you know all you need to be able to extend your Chrome browser in multitudes of ways. I decided to write up a simple guide explaining some of the basic ways you can easily extend Chrome. This is going to be a quick crash course to give you a general idea of what all you can easily do with Chrome extensions. Please let me know if you find any errors in the following. I do not claim to be an expert in any of the following topics.

Getting Started With Extensions

In order to get started creating a new extension all you need to do is create a new root directory for your extension. The only strictly required file is manifest.json. Also recommended are several images which are used as icons and at least one JavaScript file providing some functionality. Also commonly included are HTML documents, stylesheets, additional images, and other resources.

The Manifest

Every extension must contain a file in the root directory with filename manifest.json. The manifest declares the name, version, permissions, configuration options, and other meta data associated with the extension. Manifest version 1 was deprecated in Chrome 18 and support will be phased out according to this schedule. If you are using an older extensions manifest as a guide you will want to make sure it includes the entry "manifest_version": 2.

Google has published a list of all the fields supported in manifest version 2..

Background Pages

Most extensions will have an entry in the manfiest.json which looks like the following:

  "background": {
    "scripts": ["index.js", "other.js"]

This entry specifies two scripts which will be loaded and kept in memory running in the background. These scripts will run in the context of the background page, a generated page running in the extension's process which exists for the lifetime of the extension. The background page can be used to maintain state and acts as a controller for the rest of the extensions UI pages. If you need to declare some markup for use with your background page you may do so by specifying by passing in a HTML document filename to the page option.

Event Pages

Background pages are by default persistent, they are loaded in when the extension starts and are kept in memory constantly. This is sometimes needed if the background page is used to maintain some state that must be constantly accessible to the rest of the extension. You should use event pages instead whenever possible. An event page is simply a background page for an extension that includes a "persistent": false entry. This tells chrome not to keep the background page loaded in memory all the time. Instead, an event page initially is run, but then once the script goes idle it is unloaded and is only loaded again when it's needed (in response to some event).

This is all you need to know to start adding some functionality.


Interacting with the browser and providing functionality for your extension is made possibly by leveraging one of many APIs available.

chrome.* APIs

Chrome apps and extensions enjoy access to the chrome.* APIs. These allow you to manipulate the browser in various different ways. These APIs will typically be leveraged from your background scripts. Here are some of the more useful APIs I have looked over:

  • chrome.tabs - Create, update, remove, query, and manipulate the browser tabs.
  • chrome.history - Access the user's browsing history.
  • chrome.bookmarks - Add, edit, remove, and search the user's bookmarks.
  • chrome.events - Listen for and manage events raised in the browser.
  • chrome.commands - Override or add keyboard commands.
  • chrome.contextMenus - Add items to the context menu activated under a given set of contexts.
  • chrome.omnibox - Add a keyword to the omnibox (address bar) allowing the user to issue a command to the extension on activation.

Other APIs

Chrome apps and extensions can also make use of other APIs including new HTML5 APIs such as local storage, geolocation, cache, and canvas. You can also use the regular JavaScript and webkit APIs as well.

Declaring Permissions

Some of the functionality in certain Chrome APIs will not be available unless the permission associated with the given API functionality is not declared in the manifest.json file. Declare them by specifying the permissions field, setting it's value to an array of permission names or match patterns:

  "permissions": [


In the above declaration the first two strings in the array are permission names granting permissions for the chrome.contextMenus and chrome.tabs APIs respectively. The last two strings in the array are match patterns which will match URLS beginning with https://google.com/ and https://developer.mozilla.org/

User Interface

Chrome extensions are restricted to a limited UI surface, but several options for providing different forms of an interface depending on the needs of the extension.

Browser Actions

Browser actions allow you to provide a button in the top right hand corner of the browser with your extensions 16 x 16 icon. Browser actions should be used whenever the action to be taken applies to the browser globally and not a particular page. To use a browser action in your extension you must declare it in your extension's manifest.json by specifying the browser_action field:

  "browser_action": {
    "default_icon": {                    
      "19": "images/icon19.png",
      "38": "images/icon38.png"
    "default_title": "tooltip text here",
    "default_popup": "popup.html"

A browser action UI can have an icon, a tooltip, a badge, and a popup. A badge is a small amount of text that may be dynmaically overlayed onto the icon of the browser action. You may also leverage the chrome.browserAction API in order to respond to events associated with the browser action.

Page Actions

Page actions allow you to add a button in the right hand side of the Omnibox (address bar). This is similar to browser actions except that page actions are meant to apply only to the particular active page. Page actions must be declared in the manfiest.json using the entry page_action, the fields are supported for page_action as browser_action. Page actions can be manipulated using the chrome.pageAction API and can be dynamically shown and hidden on particular tabs. Page actions can also have an icon, tooltip, and a popup. However, page actions cannot have a badge.

Context Menus

Context menus are another way to provide a user interface for the user to interact with your extension. The context menu in Chrome is a menu that is activated on right click which is different based on the context in which it was activated. The chrome.contextMenus API allows us to add menu items to the context menu for different activation contexts. To use the API you must declare the associated contextMenus permission in your extension's manifest.json.

The available activation contexts for extensions are: all, page, frame, selection, link, editable, image, video, and audio. The following example requires the contextMenus and tabs permissions and will add a root context menu item for the extension, and then a sub menu item which will duplicate the current page in a new tab.

var root = chrome.contextMenus.create({
    title: 'MyExtension',
    contexts: ['page']
}, function () {
    var subMenu = chrome.contextMenus.create({
        title: 'Duplicate Tab'
        contexts: ['page'],
        parentId: root,
        onclick: function (evt) {
            chrome.tabs.create({ url: evt.pageUrl })


The Omnibox is what Chrome calls it's address bar / search bar. It makes another UI surface available to extensions through the chrome.omnibox API which allows an extension to respond to a particular keyword being entered into the omnibox. The keyword is declared in the extension's manifest.json like so:

  "omnibox": {
    "keyword": "ext-"

The following will register a keyword for the extension which will activate when the user enters ext- followed by the the SPACE or TAB key. Omnibox keywords are declarative via manifest.json only in the sense that they cannot be changed at runtime via javascript. The user can change the keyword by right clicking the omnibox and clicking 'Edit search engines...'. Omnibox keywords are case insensitive. It is not possible for a single extension to register multiple keywords.

The chrome.omnibox API allows you to add event handlers to respond to input being changed or entered after the keyword has been activated.

Options Pages

Options pages are a common UI element made available to extensions are which can be declared in manfiest.json. This options page is opened whenever a user clicks Options next to your extension's listing on their chrome://extensions page. This is often combined with a storage API in order to store persistent configurable options for the user. It is also possible to open the options page from a script using the chrome.tabs API.

Override Pages

Override pages allow you to specify a page which will replace any one of the following pages (a single extension cannot replace more than one):

  • Bookmark Manager - Page that appears when user enters chrome://bookmarks. Can also be opened from Chrome's menu.
  • History - Page that appears when user enters chrome://history. Can also be opened from Chrome's menu.
  • New Tab - The page that appears when a new tab is first created or when the user enters chrome://newtab

These replacement pages are specified declaratively in the extension's manifest.json file by specifying the chrome_url_overrides field like so:

  "chrome_url_overrides": {
    "bookmarks": "newBookmarkManager.html"

Instead of using bookmarks in the above declaration, you could also use either history or newtab.

Content Scripts

Content scripts are scripts associated with your extension that run in the context of web pages. Content scripts are meant to give you access to the DOM for the web pages for which they match. You can define an array of content script entries in manifest.json by specifying the content_scripts field like so:

  "content_scripts": [
      "matches": ["http://www.google.com/*"],
      "css": ["custom-google-styles.css"],
      "js": ["custom-google-script-1.js", "custom-google-script-2.js"]
      "matches": ["http://*"],
      "css": ["global-styles.css"],
      "js": ["global-script.js"]

You can also use programmatic injection to dynmically inject JavaScript or CSS into a page using the chrome.tabs API.

Content scripts are limited by the following restrictions:

  • Cannot use chrome.* APIs (except for parts of chrome.extension).
  • Use variables or functions defined by their extension's scripts.
  • Use variables or functions defined by web page's scripts.
  • Use variables or functions defined by other content scripts

Content scripts may indirectly interact with their extension's scripts (and thus indirectly with the chrome.* APIs) through message passing.

Some Examples

Chrome has a great Sample Extensions page allowing you to search through their sample applications which cover use of each of the APIs available. You can also read my other post about my first extension MDNJump. It's also available on GitHub at CoryG89/MDNJump


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